Tuesday 8 January 2013


Blogger appears to be ignoring my paragraphs, so please bear with this post, it is not intentional that it is one long rant! In my search for blogs of interest I have come across some blogs that have prompted a few thoughts. So, without trying to offend anyone I'm going to express a few opinions. It will hopefully give a better incite into who I am also. Firstly, I will read about any subject if the article is written with intelligence and a degree of lightheartedness. For example, I'm not the type that sits at home making things, but have found some beautiful blogs either based on or including crafting articles. The first blog I followed is written by a very talented lady who makes beautiful things. Following the links of the blogs that interest her I have even been tempted to make my own Granny Square Blanket and I have never knitted in my life! On the other hand I found an Astronomy blog, and got quite excited, only to find posts with just links to other sites. No personal thoughts or input. I want to get excited about the things that excite you, I want to feel your passion for your chosen topic. Astronomy interests me enough to find out what's going on for myself. Religion. You are all entitled to your own beliefs and me to mine. I'm an Atheist but if you believe in a God that's fine. Personally I think there is more to it than that, and believe that religion was designed as a way of controlling people and to explain what science had yet to answer. People who are heavily into religion frustrate me, simply because to me it defies logic. Have your beliefs and treasure them, they are part of what makes you, you, but please don't try to convince me to join you. And don't tell me I'm going to Hell, I've heard it all before. Self Harm. Disturbingly, I found blogs about self harm and suicide. Personally I think they should be banned. Maybe it makes some people feel better about how shit their own life is but we all have a problems to deal with and blogging about self harm is irresponsible and attention seeking. I have no time whatsoever for this type of blog. Sometimes I get frustrated when someone's interests seem to go off on a tangent that doesn't fit with my own ideas. I have to remind myself that this doesn't mean they aren't interesting or intelligent people, and that they won't have written something that grabs my attention. So come on folks, tell me about something I don't know, pull me in and show me something new!

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